Friday, January 25, 2008

my spam experiment and excerpt

From the time since am using a mailbox, I’ve received thousands of spam messages. To know if spam messages are an effective marketing tool, I opened a new mail account and a new blog space. After that, I collected 7000 active mail addresses to which I sent an email invitation to the new blog. After one month the number of visitors on the new blog was 2489.. it should be noted that, there was no online link to the new blog and equally it had no pager rank,,, thus it did not surface on any search engine post search. Thus, the only way to land on the new blog was through the invitation mail. Statistically speaking, according to my study,, my mail invitation was about 35.6% effective. My mail invitation was not marked as spam… a spam mail would have been less effective in that it may be subject to filters.

Spam is not expensive. Online-marketing firms are falling over themselves to proffer spam campaigns of millions of addresses. Pro Software Pack charges just $125 to send 1 million messages. This amount is very relatively cheaper. When I was conducting my experiment on spam messages, I found out that I was not allowed to exceed sending 500 mails in 24 hours. The ceiling of 500 mail recipient is hold on to help combat spam. Now if you uses only send mail from only one mail address, it’ll take you 2000 days (more than 5 years) to send one million mail. However if you choose to opened 2000 mail account to send all the one million mail, still you won’t be able to do it in a day.. it goes to show that, it’ll be better to outsource the job.

Does spam have a cost?
The cost to businesses doubled between 2005 and 2007 to $100 billion.

Are there anti-spammers?
Yes, but spammers innovations are ahead to those of security agents. How? To avoid filters, at first they interchanged some letters and numbers and broke up words with spaces. When keyword filters got better, spam appeared with additional, unsuspicious text that reduced the percentage of trigger words. Since the added verbiage confused recipients, spammers began sending it as invisible (white on white) text. When security firms employed filters that could detect hidden text, spammers then began placing their messages on Websites and providing links to them. When filters were programmed to hunt for spam by following links, spam e-mail appeared with dozens of link to legitimate Web sites to overwhelm filters….etc…

Is spam harmful?
Spam can be harmful if it is harmful….hahhahaha…. Spam’s most-serious threat is still in spreading viruses. A computer-security firm, says 5% of the 350 million e-mails the company inspects each week carry viruses. Many try and steal data such as banking details. They carry an unquantifiable cost: confidence in the Internet as a “legitimate instrument” is suffering.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What is new year?

My previous post was on birthday. This post is on New Year. Are they related??? Birthday can be termed as ‘New Age’!. I think that New Year is the birthday of year,,,,,but we don’t lit candle, instead we lit fire crackers. There’s no cake, instead there’s bbq. We are celebrating the birthday of year, but year is not to be seen, it’s not even virtual, then where is year??

Where is year manufactured?
A year takes 365.25 days to be processed. Year is comes forward on the 1st January and withdraws on the 31st of December. Its lifetime is only 365.25 days. This follows to say that the amount of time taken to generate a year equals its life span. If the same theory applied for human, there would have been no happy birthday.

Now, with globalization, technologies..,, everything is manufactured quicker than before. What if the supply of New Year Increases? We’ll have more than one New Year in 12 months…..which means more enjoyment!!?
I feel this has already taken place… there is additional glee than before, and sometimes the elation that we have on other days is somewhat advanced as matched up to to the one we have on New Year. That’s because changes are taking place at a very high pace…

What if one day New Year is postponed?
I’ll welcome New Month,,,,, New Week,,,,,, New Day,,,,,,, New Hour,,,,,,,, New Minute,,,,,,,,,, New Seconds..!!

Bye bye 2007_____Welcome 2008!:-)
People welcome New Year,
Every one has welcomed something in life,
Have you ever thought when death will welcome you????
When people will say bubye ahad and the graveyard will say welcome ahad!!!!

Who is welcoming whom??
Are we welcoming New Year or is New Year welcoming us??
When we say bye to 2007, where does it go? It goes behind us, we step in 2008, and 2009 lies ahead of us. Life can be compared to a road. In contrast to road where km/miles represent milestone, in life it’s year which represents milestone. The road is still, it’s we who move on it,, the same applies to life. On the road, we can move about by walking, bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus, etc…, but in life we move only by means of time which never stops, there’s no U-turn, no traffic jam,,,, it just moves!!!

Every year, there is a New Year.!.
Planet ahadoo wishes you Happy New Year!:-)