Friday, December 28, 2007

Blog and Advertising

Surf to a search engine, plug “Shinkansen N700”, and search the web. Hey what to get as results? Back comes scores of photos and comments about the smooth ride, dizzying speed and comfortable work areas of Japan’s newest bullet train. . The attention is not a fluke. It’s the effect of a publicity campaign by Central Japan Railway Co. targeted at the blogosphere. This summer, the railway invited a dozen bloggers to a press preview, which included a first-class ride from Tokyo to Osaka.

“Their blogs are so precise, even more so than our own site, and are very interesting.” Says Hiroshi Shigeta, a railway spokesman.
Ridership for the N700 model, which runs across the country, is up 12% over last year, compared with 5% overall, which Shigeta attributes in part to the attention of bloggers.

Japanese firms that make automobiles, high-tech gadgets, games software and beauty products have begun to reach out to bloggers in the hope that they’ll promote products and create online buzz.

“Personal blogs can be the most powerful media” since it can convey credibility, says Tetsuya Honda, a marketing consultant who runs BlueCurrent Japan. A recent study by Nikkei Research of Tokyo shows that nearly 40% of blog readers say they have bought at least one product after reading it on a blog.

The pioneer in this practice is Nissan Motor. Last year it invited about 100 popular bloggers to its head office for the launch of its new car, Skyline. A Google search on the event turned up nearly 14,000 Web pages, in addition to the company’s official blog.

Japanese blog entries tend to read like personal diaries or reviews of products, says Nobuhiro Seki, general manager of Six Apart, which introduced blog software to Japan. People talk in detail about what they ate, bought, read and watched on television, and often do so passionately. Nearly half a million blog entries on products (excluding those on politics and social issues) are written each day, according to Blog Watcher. Firms are taking notice now in part because of Web sites that rank bloggers, making it possible to identify the most influential. In addition, in recent months software tools that analyze blog postings for trends and changing preferences have become available for businesses. Blogs are “a frontier of product feedback,” says Ichiro Kiyota, marketing director at Six Apart.

The use of blogs by businesses to promote their products is spreading in Japan. The number is expected to grow, says Seki. Encouraging bloggers can be a gamble, but when it works, it works well.

In Mauritius, products are advertised on nearly all media; television, radios, newspapers, internet, posters,,,etc,,,,, why not use blog as a new advertising tool??

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy birthday!:-)

I reached 23 years of age today.. I was born on the 22 December 1984,, I really love this date, but I wish I was always a teen…. I can’t fathom if I ought to be cheerful or tetchy today,, on the whole, people have a good time on their anniversary,, but my philosophy is different,, I am not like all the people, I am what I am, I am Ahad… my intellect function in a very peculiar style,, at times I get baffled with myself…. Well, that’s why I started to blog.. I can converse what’s on my mind to the world….

Let’s return to my birthday, 7894 days in my life are over,, these time will on no account come for a second time…. Now, I have (death – 7894) days ahead of me to be in this world…. How will these imminent days be?? I only wish a first-rate health, and joy to live,,, nothing more…. That’s the only two things to which I hold grand magnitude in life…

What should I party?? My life span has been abridged by 7894days, should I celebrate this?? As someone grow up, he loses the innocence of a child,, should I rejoice this?? With each successive birthday, one has to muddle through more problems <>,,, should I celebrate this?? I am getting closer to the old age, which may connote little enjoyment due to bad health,,, should I celebrate this??

What is there to have fun on one’s birthday???
Consider this: Traditionally a birthday is celebrated like this by blowing off the lighting candle, cutting the cake, champagne,… etc
One definition of ‘light’ from the Concise Oxford Dictionary – 10th edition,,, is
“become animated with liveliness or joy”
When one is blowing the light of the candle, does it mean that he is blowing the joy too??? As regards to ‘cake’, one definition is “the amount of money or assets regarded as available for sharing”…..
Does cutting the cake mean cutting the amount of life (asset) available for sharing????

Friday, December 21, 2007

Droughts In Mauritius

Throughout the last months of the year, Mauritius faces a hitch,,,,,,, DROUGHTS. During such stages, the authority concerned is forced to keep an eye on the supply of water. Hey, it’s quite lucid to control the supply of water, but sorry to say, we necessitate water to carry on.

Mauritius is a small island. As such we don’t have large rivers like Nile, Amazon, etc.. Yet, the country have been gifted to survive, we have water in profusion in nearly all our tiny rivers, lakes, etc.. Till now water supply has been proficient to assure the requirements of the 1.2 million populace. There was never a situation as far as I know, where people died due to lack of water. Yeps, one thing worth noting at this point is that water is of high-quality in Mauritius. Water tastes good here.

One thing which needs to show appreciation in Mauritius is that the drought season does not last long. Sooner or later, the country will gain from heavy rainfall and subsequently our reservoirs, dams will be chock-full. Yet, we cannot take heavy rainfall every year for granted. What will happen if one year, the country does not benefit from heavy rainfall??

We should capture every drop and make optimum use of water. At flic-en-flac there is a sort of spring which is at all times filled with water. We really need to capture this water. Such type of sources exists in many places in the island. On mount Pouce, there is a source,, the water there is soooo fresh that you can’t go by it and don’t enliven yourself after getting tired from mountaineering.

Last year, during droughts period, people took to the streets in quite a few parts of the island. Some even blocked the road by setting fire and placing rocks. Please don't repeat such mania for a second time. What will these types of stroke fetch.. will it crack the crisis?? Will it fill up our reservoir?? No!
Whenever there is a problem, we should act in response to resolve the difficulty. If you are hungry, you should gobble something…. But if you are famished, and you choose to go swimming,, the hunger will not lighten,, foodstuff you will still desire…
There is urgent need for someone who is awfully unwell to go to the hospital. That person has no way than to bypass the path which has been blocked. Due to this act, that person can’t get to the sanatorium and consequently breathes his last breath. Who is to blamed for his death?? Just think about it!!
Please please please, no matter what happens, never obstruct a road!!
Don't waste water!!

Hey, there’s one pro of extensive drought… there’s no risk of drowning!