Hello blogfana! Wattiz the hottest??
I figure out the pack’s on beam!
Hey … what to blether about today??
Let’s tittle-tattle on Gooooogle!
At hand, scores of netmania navigate to in hunt of nuts and bolts.
Sporadically, google may not be on familiar terms with the word typed.
Every time this comes to pass, google offers, “Did you mean: [different spelling of what you were probing for]”
And then still doesn’t have any results.
How can one articulate google without difficulty??
Naught easier than taking a couple of water in the mouth…look up,,(héhé),,and gargle!!
Y the name google?? .. .
U may think that the place is full of pigeon....!!!
U r nt wrong...Watch this:

Countless pigeons work for ghougle!!
Given that the number of web-breakers that lands on my blog is escalating,, please comment before you leave… am here to welcome your critics about this blog!!
Toc toc toc … R u here??
What’s recent??
How was New Year’s gala??
What are your resolutions for the year 2006??
Ooulala,,,want to know the results of “Les disques de l’année 2006”??
Here it goes on R+:
Shakira: Tortura
Mon Aster: Téléfone
Zeher: Vo lamhe
Summer vacation was really witty!!
My uni frends; Télétubby, Beenoy, Kishan, Kun, Rowan, Antonio, and I anchored at flic en flac. We played football on the shoreline…Le “ballon d’or” goes to Antonio. If you’ve read Rowy’s flic en flac blog,,, you are already acquainted with Antonio…As Rowan says “if u come to flic en flac, and u don’t meet Antonio, u’ve missed everythin” is in actual fact clear-cut!!!
Wawa, then we directed to Rowan’s place___actively consumin fiery stuffs___Ouuh aah,,.,,the food was sternly spicy!!
Before long,, we were back to the seashore… Wat to do now?? Yeps,, we gonna go for a dip!! Hey,, this was really far-fetched…but I did not keep on long in the water,,.,,for the waves were soaring!!
We were hungry…covet to scoff something!!
Had bbq on the shore….Hmm,, miam myam it was so yummy___Hey am feelin ravenous while thinkin of it!!!
It was murky…The sky was sparkling by the stars…Nite has come…It’s time to return home!!!

Homecoming, I took a hip bath and once in bed, I closed my eyes…saved all the sweet memories of the day in my heart…think of all beautiful things in life…and surrendered myself to sweet dreams!!J
Beauty Care:
How to give an auburn colour to your hair?
Boil grated beetroot with 2 tbsps tea powder, 1 tbsps coffee, 1 tbsb methi powder. Strain and add henna powder to it. Leave it for two hours after which you apply to the scalp. Wash after one hour.