Valentine's day
Love is somewhat truly outlandish. What is love??
Here’s the definition of love on the “Concise Oxford Dictionary”:-
· n.
1 an intense feeling of deep affection. Ø a deep romantic attachment to someone.. Ø affectionate greetings. <<<
Is the 14th of February really an almanac lovers?? Brood over it!
Let’s talk about Titanic.!. What a love myth!!!!
“ – You must promise me that you won’t give up no matter what happens. Promise me now Rose.
- I promise.
- And never let go that promise.
- I will never let it go Jack”
These are the last dialogue flanked by Jack and Rose.
Yes, “Titanic” - one amid the great love legend, did not portrait valentine's day!!
You, may notify me that they met, fell in love, and the tragedy turn out in the ship, and all the chronicle was outside the month of February. You may yet tell me that on valentines day roses are given and in Titanic the artist name was Rose, and Rose was offered to Jack. Normally, in actual life, the rose get withered and expire, but in Titanic,, Jack defuncted while Rose was saved.
Ok, I agree with you,, but what about the “Taj Mahal”, “Paul et Virginie”, Roméo et Julliet, Devdas, Shakespeare love account, … .. .???
For factual lovers, each jiffy is valentines day. On their agenda, there is only one date ‘14th’ and only one month ‘February’ – They are calendarly limited to 14th February. Their heart beat for one another. Love cannot be compared to drugs, for the reason that drug addicts may come out of this torture, but a true lover will never be able to leave his honeybee. Based on this inspiration,,, your life partner should be like AIDS,,,.,,,hahahaha……AIDS is that chum which will never leave you, even you happen to be the ugliest creature. What do ya do, when you fall?? You try to get up!! If you happen to fall in love, no mater how hard you try, it’s really knotty to get up!!
Never betray yourself in love.
See heart, Don’t see face.
Face is the monster.
Heart is the nature.
Win face, win hell.
Win heart, win love.!.
Beware: Every Rose has its thorn!!!
Ahad loves you all!!
Happy valentines day!!
Here’s the definition of love on the “Concise Oxford Dictionary”:-
· n.
1 an intense feeling of deep affection. Ø a deep romantic attachment to someone.. Ø affectionate greetings. <<<
Is the 14th of February really an almanac lovers?? Brood over it!
Let’s talk about Titanic.!. What a love myth!!!!
“ – You must promise me that you won’t give up no matter what happens. Promise me now Rose.
- I promise.
- And never let go that promise.
- I will never let it go Jack”
These are the last dialogue flanked by Jack and Rose.
Yes, “Titanic” - one amid the great love legend, did not portrait valentine's day!!
You, may notify me that they met, fell in love, and the tragedy turn out in the ship, and all the chronicle was outside the month of February. You may yet tell me that on valentines day roses are given and in Titanic the artist name was Rose, and Rose was offered to Jack. Normally, in actual life, the rose get withered and expire, but in Titanic,, Jack defuncted while Rose was saved.
Ok, I agree with you,, but what about the “Taj Mahal”, “Paul et Virginie”, Roméo et Julliet, Devdas, Shakespeare love account, … .. .???
For factual lovers, each jiffy is valentines day. On their agenda, there is only one date ‘14th’ and only one month ‘February’ – They are calendarly limited to 14th February. Their heart beat for one another. Love cannot be compared to drugs, for the reason that drug addicts may come out of this torture, but a true lover will never be able to leave his honeybee. Based on this inspiration,,, your life partner should be like AIDS,,,.,,,hahahaha……AIDS is that chum which will never leave you, even you happen to be the ugliest creature. What do ya do, when you fall?? You try to get up!! If you happen to fall in love, no mater how hard you try, it’s really knotty to get up!!

Never betray yourself in love.
See heart, Don’t see face.
Face is the monster.
Heart is the nature.
Win face, win hell.
Win heart, win love.!.
Beware: Every Rose has its thorn!!!
Ahad loves you all!!
Happy valentines day!!
C'est l'heure du journal:
L'ile maurice epargné par la grippe aviare et le chickungunya. mais malheureusement ene epidemie in touche nou... Le virus gavin in vin kot nou par ene courpa migrateur!!!
bisin met n ban program kam p ki ti dire man , met sa a zour avant li aller avec murdoch et les autres .
Wa to dir sa ban mintek ki nou finn gagné zordi la??
eh li pl mari sms moi ta...
li p diman moi si monn gaté r li??
gary, bizin met toi lor so mwadka so la route...kioudirtipa???
heh man met seryer ar zot. kn to croire ban la sauce sa. heh bien bizin met sa programe kam p la . prends zot kam zot numero man
kv sa marchand di zef la !! conner ki la route p fer man, hehe, bien bisin passe le cap de celiba, keske ten dis. met seryer ar sa contact la. pas laise li aller sinon pu bez marin la
on a reussi a avoir des gibiers faciles!!!
bizin rod encor,,, ki to dir man???
chic..kungunya...!! c la kestion ke tou le monde se poz.....!!
la solution est la..
1.done zot kpote pouki zot aret peupler..!!
2.stereliz zot...!!
3.zoine ban responsab pu diskit sa dan 1 fason amiable..entre homme a homme koi...heuhh..homme a moustik plutot!!!!!!
heh mette seryer pou ban programme campe la, ban fam la kv pou tracer pas pu tracer ,
Wa lom konapel captain murdoch on da baz....a big hello 2 u!!!
Hey kan pu met to blog lor koltar??
Eh gary,,,ti bizin signal moi pu prgm mercredi la... tro tar, mo ti fini pran bis!!
Sinon zot ti vini??
ki zot finn fair??
Xplik impé!!
pas kozer man, mone plein ar zot moi, bisin rode sa ki plis canon fran franc tou. pas seryer di tout sa la route la . enfin ......
mone trouve n site seryer pou toi moktav, sa pu mari interesse toi . sms moi kan to gagne letemps mo dire toi li . check it on dude!!
hello my friends, how do u do?? hey mr ze tough guy. why dont you just get on wiz ze 'kam p ' plan. i want to drink, to piss n to fuck !!suck if its a raynal girl!!
Wawa,,,ki p dir les amis???
eh lom ki aimer les putes et les types kosto,,, met n prog kampin!!! kuma zot p faite l'independence???
Pran n ti pavion,, boir pepsi, mange gato..... To koné mem toi!!!
ohé,, to rapel ha--->
Nou pu met nm madam president la republic
Arété béf travay,, souval manzé kamarad
C n lalute, entre n group dimoune ki p toufé ek manzé...
lékonomi noune reussi fair chose
mone pran n langagement pou change ou lavi..
vive la republik!! yesta manaman seen....glory mauritius!!
ki dmars pendan mars..??? wa lola mo fek chek site la, pa mal!!
yo moktav, kan to kit fim la ar mwa man..?? met serye<< si tou korek nu pu ale campe dernié dimans mars..dak!! big up guys..
a b si coumsa dresser net ban jeunes , pena erreur. bisin met n ban lezot nisa encore. zot conner meme zot!! lol
wa komol p ale japon, mo croire bien bizin ecrire n larticle lor li sa.
take care, bye
mwa ek mor ma p chek to p dir mari seryé!!!!! vinod ki p ale fer zapon..??? line pane a c met nisa ici...!! ah sacré gro 40!! yo guys, 2min p ggn diplom... mari cooool...!! enfin mone réci ggn 1 diplom"<< heh messieur, sa saroz sa..!! astalavista baby!! xcuz pu hier lola, mo pa ti éna credi.
hello. gavin ine leve pake ine aller, korom p diminier meme. komol p aller bientot tt!! heh pas p bon ditou murdoch , prog trou o biche la pa le diboute meme.
sinon moktav, pas blier sa demarche la conner meme toi .....
Wa dresser net amigos!! Félicitation captain murdoch... Met seryé pou dmars animateur la!!
Eco news:
Pou redresse nou lekonomi ki fin tomb animi la,, le miniss Arvin barbel in al negocier r Japan.
Biento lile maurice pou xport komol japon.
craz babylone man, craz babylone!!
yesta man, mari envi eclate 1 ptar laa....!! mo croir mo pu aret organiz program mwa aster- plan pouce p ale lor 3 ans! mari dmagozie<< big up men""
craz babylone man, craz babylone!!
yesta man, mari envi eclate 1 ptar laa....!! mo croir mo pu aret organiz program mwa aster- plan pouce p ale lor 3 ans! mari dmagozie<< big up men""
heh man arret ecrire msg deux cuop chose noune comprends, ki 2mars moktav, pu zafaire la., to p fer ler man, met seryer ar sa., eh murdoch. plan trou o biche la kv sa?
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yo guys wats upp!! wa moktav to p ale rh taler, couma mo cone haa hein!! lola to fini get mo ban fim?? mo ti zoine ar joooog dan la bank hier, li ti met so savate kito...fodé get sa 1 coup!! yesta craz babylone craz li bien!!
yo moktav ki to la poz..!! to pa p log twa ditou. lola so zoué in fermé, li pa p ggn access to d net. trou o biche nxt week end, ki to pu fer maanaahh!!
je suis de retour hahahahahaha boss la iz back. wa met seryer pou le 8 avril, p mari fat ban zenes, hope it will b great fuckers
wawa ki p dire murdoch ki bon zistoire la ,heh moktav faire moi gagne to ladress e-mail . mardi ki to role toi , to libe non
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wawa program kampé le 1er avril la pa n poisson d'avril ha, n posson sounouk ha!!
bon ban jeunes, le 8 nou zoine. pena lot dialogue dans mo la tete encore , pena oken nuovelle. dresser partout.....
wa moktav to pu bizin vine kot mo meme pu met ha ban zafer la enplace!!! hey lola ban la ine reci met twa seryé! koooooooool..!! saheel ek so copain ti vine kot mwa gromans, nu ti ale kot gaby!! plan camping la pa tro siiir laaaaa!! Aaaaaa++++
heh murdoch , to n fit seulement toi, zordi plan la korek demain non. kv bisin trace n conge tt. to pas seryer di tout man. to p zouais
bon mesdames et messieurs,. l'heure est grave , ki sana pou telefone ben javed samedi?? dir moi n coup.
breaking newz: moktav ti ale zouer badminton!! lol
waaa man ki p dir la, plan la ki dir, siloy pa siloy!! mari top!! wa lola taler mo met reper lor to figir!! to p vine rouz hein!! yo ahad, ki to la poz?? to lecorp enkor craze!! wa 1 ti 1 bis tap ar 1 caraye so, ki arivé...??/
wa,kv sa, pas p rapel nanier pou campe la,pas facile sa man, ki 2mars, lot coup mo pas pou bour li planche, lerla mo kav conner ki ine arriver!!lol
whoooo, bez ha motlo mové kafouyaz!!
hihihi... bann program la kv,??
hey ya manaman!! ki p dir saaa....!!! pa p tan zot ditou..
ki prochain plan?? hier ti éna urmel so gard 1 min de silence pou lii...RIIIIIIITTE..!!joyeux anif a twa mo frer!!! big up guys. respect!!
hey ya manaman!! ki p dir saaa....!!! pa p tan zot ditou..
ki prochain plan?? hier ti éna urmel so gard 1 min de silence pou lii...RIIIIIIITTE..!!joyeux anif a twa mo frer!!! big up guys. respect!!
hello. ki fer to avoye msg la 2 coute toi hein?? to en salaire non?
sinon,l'hiver p percer,fini la biere,. nu bez fort aster!!
le jeu de mot ki tue:
to fanne to dalle, to gagne coute balle!!
apprecier l'artiste......salut
yes i...alala mo ré vine ankor...
Ton Ashok in form ene nouvo parti PNM! So névé Pravin diman li ki sa v dir PNM?
Tonton dir:
Navin, &
yo man!! hier mo ti p mail atish, li p per c le mois prochain..koooooool non!! lola ti kot gaby hier!! hetaaaa ahad, ki to rol, pa p tan twa ditou man!! pa blié sadi pu éna les freres joganah dan la place!!! ciao amigos<<
Wa azagen, ki p dir?? pa p gagn létan.... Ban joganah kot pou été??
pa blié chék hassen lor télévision samdi 16h45.
Sinon ki ban tamtam p kosté la
wawa, kv sa banla?? valeur du jour pena aucune tamtam. pas p gagne letemps zoine ar ban la.kv moktav,ki to demars? encore queue de cheval meme??
sinon n nouvo animateur pu lor r+ bientot, il apelle krishna tchek sa nom la bien.....a+
putain,mone fail mo test ariere.
fais chier cette vie de merde
fuck off
ki p dire pa, n lepok pas p tend toi la. to p bloker ar ban 2voir universite la?? kan nu 2stress nou n coup la, pas p zoine ar ban larmee rose hill la di tout. sinon nanard ine creer so nouvo email address!!
Ouais, kan ena ban prog, fait moi signe!!
slt les mek, mo senti ki zot p mark 1 mari zafer dan lékor hein..!!! pran 1 ti patience, c pour tré biento..
big up guys!!<<<
wawa,couma dire bisin attane sa grand retour de fello dapres role. pa peur. il p vini legros piti!!
check it out, the world cup is coming.......
Wawa, to éna rézon.
kan félé vini "the small big - as you said in french", nou mett n prgm pistal!! kioudirtipa??
Ouais, la france pou gagne coupe du monde...
Toi, ki to lékip...???
Bez ha matlo, pne reussi al chek bénaresse!!
film la ti paret interresant!!!
ripipip....zot rapel sa:
heh met n seryer nou ale get film la .festival de cannes p donne bal, moi mo lekip ena le petit rooney!!
valere du jour, je suis o taf ,bisin ecrire n lartcik lor soko. n move zimage sa figir la.
en plus lor la noune perdi mr poulet so trace, o derniere nouvelle li ti senegal mo croire!!
slt les meks, ki dir laa..?? ki nu prochain plan laa..??
lomkonapel felo, le gros piti est dja dans la place>>>><<<< big up respect a lui!! vicky pu mari fat laaa!! paul et virginie.. hahaha TROP KOOOOOL... kan soko mort bizin enpaye li...!!
slt sa farte??
bisin met n bon program pou destresse nou,ki zot dire.
sinon bisin get avis de recherchepou li retrace gavin
pas p gagne oken news lor li, so portab tou off.
uncle sam wants u to join the US army!!<<<<<<<
Ouais,,, zizou, ribery, henry,... .. .en action c soir!!
Pran conte, si avi2recherche al rod gavin, pou bizin form n lot lékip avi2recherche pou al rod avi2recherche ki ti al rod gavin,
Nou pou apel li avi2recherche numero 2.
r u confused with wat i've said??
to ban msg impe bizarre selment toi!!
gavin alright. li ti p gagne bouton!! lol
le cashier de kentucky est de retour.... chaud devant
koz n coup kan nu met n zoli program
en attendant>>>>> salut les mecs!!
olé les mek. zordi le 13/07/06, gary ine kit pay ine alé, li pou retourné en l'an 2009!! mo esperé li vine inpé pli long....!!!!
wa moktav dialog avi 2 recherche mari bon!! gavin p servi 1 lot num!! serye man manz ar lii!! adios amigos et VIVA ITAIA....
Allez les bleues...
Bez ha matlo, la france pne gn coupe du monde!!
oyé les amis,, top dlir so frero p maryé c dimanche 16/07/2006.
lola so 1er zour lékol!! soko ti p rod suicidé dan la mer mé felo ti sap lii..!! soko amouré et zamé ti 1 problem haaa!! yo moktav manz ar c+ la, mo péna credit laa!! ciao ciao!!
ki gogot, felo kan p parti la??
dire lom kon apel cowboy ki so ban masse fail comparer couma dans lnde la
en attandant salut....!!
hey ban mekto,, avoy ban comments la la haut.!.
Wawawa mne chek ha site "herbal Smoke" . . . Dir ou le cowboy p rod fair n voyaz la dan!!!
Sinon toi captain ti trouv toi lor bistop le 25 juillet 2006 à pansé ki to ti en retar pou al taf!!
Wa gary, mail moi n joli ti mintek indien...hé man une bombe!!
en attendant...pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop poppop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop poppop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop poppop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop poppop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop poppop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop... .. . . . . . is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading every day.
quick loan
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